Advance GLSL Shaders Experiments

3D Earth

Day/Night Textures + BumpMap from earth heightMap + Water noise on oceans + Atmospherick Scattering + Lens Flair

Clouds texture (daily updated) + Day/Night Textures + BumpMap from earth heightMap + Water noise on oceans + Atmospherick Scattering + Lens Flair

Loading geo-vector data for coast lines, rivers and political division + stars and constellations

3D Shell

Spherical Enviroment Map + BumpMap + Lens Flair

01 Spherical Enviroment Map + BumpMap + DoF

transparent-sem Spherical Enviroment Map + transparent chroma aberration + BumpMap + DoF

sem Spherical Enviroment Map + BumpMap + DoF

bump BumpMap + DoF

hatch Cross-Hatching (based on Jaume Sanchez WebGL )+ DoF

01 Cross-Hatching (based on Jaume Sanchez WebGL )+ DoF

3D Portraits

Cross-Hatching (based on Jaume Sanchez WebGL )+ DoF

Spherical Environment Map + normal bumpmap

Geometry decomposition

Geometry decomposition